Friday, November 29, 2013

Chats with Patrice

Everyday Ruralty

Well, better late than never!
I've been so busy this past couple weeks, we have a ton of calves (several tons, in fact :) ) in the feedlot that we are getting vaccinated and then some are being trucked out to graze cornstalks for the winter. So we have been working past dark almost every day.

But I finally made it back to the internets! (Oh, I did make a trip to the library on Sunday, with a good book, I kinda forget that the internet exists!!)

1. If you are celebrating Thanksgiving, what are you looking most forward to on Thursday?
Getting to go 'home' and see my family - my brother was there and I havent seen him in quite a while, so that was awesome :)

2. My favorite Thanksgiving dish is ___________?
I'm with Patrice here ;) I love it all! Although it is a standing joke that no one lets me near the olives beforehand....

3. Do you go through periods of time when you get hooked on a specific food?
Oh yeah! I usually eat the same thing for a couple weeks and then I get tired of it and get hooked on another food.

4. What's the best stuffing for a turkey?
It has to have walnuts in it!!

5. When you were a child, were you ever in a Thanksgiving play, pageant, mock pilgrim dinner, or anything different to celebrate?
I don't think so....if I was it didn't make an impression!!


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. I've always wanted to live on a cattle ranch, too, but it doesn't seem to be what life has in store for me. Congratulations on the puppy. My dogs are named Jesse (boy) and Rylea (girl). Rylea got into something sharp, and has had to spend Thanksgiving at the vet. I hope she will be able to come home Monday. The house just seems empty without her.

    1. I love your dog's names! I hope Rylea feels better and less clumsy (?) :)
