Saturday, September 29, 2012

Random Photos and Musings

Mostly Photos...

I was feeling slightly hyper, and decided it would be a good idea to run up to the tepee and back...
Starting to come down... 
 ...and what you can't tell from this pic is that I'm almost ready to fall over...

 Project from '05 made out of alpaca... I had kinda forgotten about it!

 Chiuhauaha  Chihuahua and squash..

Spent all of Tuesday emptying this store of the shelving units.
I was the only girl.
I had to try to keep up with the guys...cause I'm not competitive at all...*cough 
My team rocked. I only rubbed it in a tiny liddle bit. *silence.* seriously.
It wiped me for the next 2 days.

I apologize on behalf of Blogger for these next two photos...apparently most people can't figure out how to save a photo with up up, so Blogger figures it out for them...with mixed results...

My boys sitting on my textbook

My latest project...
The small print says "100% Genuine Leather Tack and Accessories"
In hindsight I wouldn't have used such a tall skinny font.
 Not only was it hard to keep the voids even, it's even harder to read from a distance.
sigh... live and learn.

oh wow....hang on while I take a quick pic of the cat's sleeping arrangement at the moment.
and that, my dear friends, is why we have animals!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Photo Time

New Kitten

The introduction of 'Mo', short for Motor because he purrs really loudly. 
Although recently, I've been calling him 'Squeeky' cause he is always talking.
Mikey on the other hand, is now called 'Tank'...

Mikey meeting Mo for the first time...He slapped Mo right after this pic was taken...

 The sweet life of a house cat

 Mikey does not approve

 Mo isn't very reactive when he's sleeping...

And now they are sleeping on the same chair together. 
What brotherly love!

Crawdad Hunting/Fishing

 After 3 hours in the ditch...the mud didn't show up very well in this photo...

 H. and I.

Some of the little buggers....they really do look like small lobsters and taste like shrimp!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Pursuit of Holiness - Chapters 1&2

Holiness is For You.

1. What major observations, illustrations, or questions come to mind?
     To be holy is to be without sin, 'separated to God' and acting as such. We tend to look at sin as something that we need to take care of, instead of focusing on God. It's kinda like riding my horse. When I'm on him and focusing on what he's doing wrong, I get really frustrated because I can't make him stop doing whatever he is doing. But when I simply focus on what I want him to do, the correction comes naturally, and he relaxes as he does what I want.
     It's also realizing the seriousness of sin against God. I (and I think our culture as a whole) tend to down-play sin since 'it's covered by grace'. But it's really a serious offence against God. If we viewed it as actually spitting in God's face every time we sin, how would our actions change?
    Sin is an act of willful disobedience. God hates it. As Christians, we have to grow to hate it too. There is no glossing it over or excusing it. God is pure, uniform, just. Disobedience is disobedience, no matter how small or 'insignificant'.

2. Look at the 3 reasons why we don't experience more personal holiness. Which applies most to your life? Can you think of any other reasons?
     - Our attitude toward sin is more self-centered than God-centered.
     - Living by faith requires no personal effort
     -We don't take sin seriously - I would say that this one applies that I don't take it seriously enough to put God first in my day. I procrastinate. If I don't give it attention, it somehow disappears.

3. What do the following verses say about holiness and which is most meaningful?
  Exodus 15:11 His majesty comes from his Holiness
  Leviticus 19:1-2 'Be Holy, because I am Holy'
  Psalm 89:35 God swears by His Holiness, therefore it is unchanging
  Isaiah 57:15 God lives in a holy place, but also with those who are low in spirit; or lowly and contrite (with      those who are not proud)
  1 Peter 1:14-16 do not conform to the evil desires you had when you were in ignorance

4. What do these verses teach about God's holiness?
   Habakkuk 1:13 God can't condone evil.
  Zechariah 8:17  God hates evil being done against others.
  James 1:13 God can't tempt people to do wrong, that would go against being holy.

6. Write a definition of holiness in your own words.
    Holiness is focusing on God and deliberately choosing to walk like He does.
       It involves studying Him to learn who He is to better follow Him. It isn't just one part of the Christian 'package', it is Christianity. Christianity is all about following God and becoming like Christ.