Friday, October 16, 2015

New Beginnings has been a crazy 10 months since I was on here....

The last day of January, my boyfriend proposed in a snowstorm in the middle of a cornfield :)

And then the whirlwind of wedding planning began. 

but at the same time, work was still going on full blast....

The first calf Callie held!!

yay calving season! so adorable!!

Fats in the overflow at the feedlot

Aaron came out and rode Callie while I rode Vegas

Helping Aaron move equipment around

At his bro's graduation ceremony

 Stuffing, Stamping, and Addressing Invitations!

Next time....
come for engagement photos!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Snowy Days

Hey Peoples!!!
It's been a snowy winter wonderland out here for the last month or so...
And its been colder than looks pretty but that wears off quickly when the windchill is -50 :)

But here are some photos that can be enjoyed from the comfort of your heated homes. ( heater kicked out twice during this cold spell...but that's another story!!! )

 The first was snowing like crazy!!

With the wind it drifted like crazy...look at all the beautiful lines in the drifts!

365 degrees on the farmground...

I could see the mountains near Estes Park on Christmas Eve...that's close to 150 miles away!!

 Some of our purchased heifer calves up on the farmground

Snowy roads and fields

Moving some longhorns out of a pasture back onto the farmground

Riding Callie out to go pull the open cows out of this pasture.

I hope you enjoyed this look at my country! It started melting today!!!