Friday, November 29, 2013

Chats with Patrice

Everyday Ruralty

Well, better late than never!
I've been so busy this past couple weeks, we have a ton of calves (several tons, in fact :) ) in the feedlot that we are getting vaccinated and then some are being trucked out to graze cornstalks for the winter. So we have been working past dark almost every day.

But I finally made it back to the internets! (Oh, I did make a trip to the library on Sunday, with a good book, I kinda forget that the internet exists!!)

1. If you are celebrating Thanksgiving, what are you looking most forward to on Thursday?
Getting to go 'home' and see my family - my brother was there and I havent seen him in quite a while, so that was awesome :)

2. My favorite Thanksgiving dish is ___________?
I'm with Patrice here ;) I love it all! Although it is a standing joke that no one lets me near the olives beforehand....

3. Do you go through periods of time when you get hooked on a specific food?
Oh yeah! I usually eat the same thing for a couple weeks and then I get tired of it and get hooked on another food.

4. What's the best stuffing for a turkey?
It has to have walnuts in it!!

5. When you were a child, were you ever in a Thanksgiving play, pageant, mock pilgrim dinner, or anything different to celebrate?
I don't think so....if I was it didn't make an impression!!


I"m getting a puppy! And I'm so excited. :) I've been wanting a dog for a while, and when my co-workers dogs had puppies (on accident...) they said I could have one!

The tri-color is the dad, he is a hanging tree breed (
and the other one is the mom, we think that she is a cross between a German Shorthair and some kind of Pointer.

She's about a month old right now, so I won't get her until Christmasish :)
Still working on a name, but I'm thinking something girly and tomboyish (are those mutually exclusive??)
I kinda think I have one in mind, but it is like it's in the back of my mind and I can't quite tell what it is yet....

Monday, November 18, 2013

My Favorite Time of Year

I love fall out on the plains.
I love the brown rolling hills with the crystal-clear blue sky behind them.
Here and there is a vibrant green field of wheat or other grains.
And the days are just the right temperature to wear a hoodie all day long (mostly)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Chats with Patrice & Wendell

Everyday Ruralty

I've been following this blog,, for quite a while, and I love seeing all the questions and answers! So I finally decided to join the chats :)

  1. Would you rather sit in front of a fireplace with a roaring fire, soak in a lovely bath, or spend free time on your computer?
Ooooo I would love to curl up in front of a roaring fire with a good book! But then I like water about as much as a cat does....

     2.   Milk chocolate or dark chocolate?

Definitely Dark Chocolate. I keep a bag of Ghiradeli's dark chocolate chips around at all times, and that is probably what I use in any cookies, breads, ect.

      3. Have you ever tried a recipe from a blog or Pinterest?

I use recipes from blogs all the time
    4. Do you have a guest room? If not, do you have a spare room that you use for something other than a bedroom (sewing room, office, craft area, etc)?

I wish! Right now I'm grateful for my basement home, but I would love to have more than one room!
  1. Is your hair curly, straight, or something in between?
My hair is stick straight, and recently, I put in colored highlights! Pink, Blue, and Purple :)

Stuffed Animals

AKA What My Cats and I Do On Friday Nights :)

 It started with an elephant. Well, actually it started with a friend having a baby and wanting to make a gift instead of buy one. And EVERYONE who knits will make a baby blanket. :) So I was trying to be different :)
 Then my sister wanted one, so I made her a miniature (she had a standing request for a miniature of everything I make, but I don't think that that is going to happen) and shipped it off to her in a decorated toilet paper tube.
 Then I decided a giraffe would be cool.
Then, of course I had to do a pony! (btw, now you know what movies I own...Right after Fireproof is Follow Me Boys, my favorite Disney movie "Sarge, I think we just hit a simulated rock!")

Up next, Hippos!!!

I'm thinking that I might make a bunch of these over the next year and sell them at craft fairs around Christmastime or just have on hand to give as gifts. :) What do you guys think???

Monday, November 11, 2013

What I've Been Learning

It's been a while

I've been learning that opportunities slip away when you don't chase them, make time for them, sacrifice for them. 
I really regret all the nights after work this summer that I went and sat down and watched TV instead of working Callie. I felt like I didn't have the knowledge I needed to train her, so I did nothing at all. And now that I've decided that it is worth the hardship, it's winter and I don't have the daylight to ride her in. That is an opportunity I'll never have again. I will train her next year and she will flourish. 

Falling Isn't Failing

God has given me freedom this summer. Freedom from being the "super-Christian" that I've always been called and I've felt the pressure to attain. Freedom from having to read my Bible every day or pray for hours at a time. My relationship with God is unique. No one else will relate to God in the same way, so why do I expect my relationship to look like theirs?
I spent several months without opening my Bible, without setting aside time each day to pray. God told me "If you aren't hungry for Me, then I don't want your religion". Now, I'm starting to get hungry. I don't know what dinner will look like, but I'm starting to look forward to it. I'm looking forward for my hunger to become more distinct so I know exactly what I want.
In this, I had times where I tried to have God Time on certain days, and I would not do it. I felt like I was failing, that I would never be hungry enough or be good enough to do this relationship correctly. One day I was watching Extreme Makeover; Weight Loss Edition and Chris Powell said "You can fall without failing." And a lightbulb just went on. I can pick myself up and try again, and be more prepared to succeed. I was free :)

A Lot of Life Happened

I have so many pictures and stories to share, and I'll try to get them up here over the next weeks/months/ect. but here is a little teaser: