So here are a couple from today =)
We put nose blabs in our calves to wean them. It is just a flap of plastic that fits into their nose that makes it so they can't suck, but they still have their mom around for comfort. That way when they get separated from their mom, they aren't still depending on her for food. It just makes it a lot less stressful for them so they stay healthier.
Since Callie is on medical leave and it was an easy gather today, I rode my gelding, Vegas. He is 25 and has been retired since last year. I was going to grab another horse, but he's been following me around every time I go into the pasture like he's bored. So he got to come. He's so out of shape, but he had fun :) (I assume...)
(He is the one on the far right...the grey horses were out in force today :) )
This is what a nose blab looks like in a calf.
And we had a bit of a surprise in the feedlot this morning. We had pulled this cow out of our herd because she didn't have a calf this spring. Apparently, she had lost her calf sometime after we checked to see if they were pregnant, and then a bull bred her in early January. (we were letting the bulls hang out with the cows because we thought they were all pregnant, and it was one fewer pasture to check and water tank to chop ice in). Since the calf was born so late, we will probably sell them to someone who calves their cows in the fall.